#boku no hero academia tickle
gaybananabread · 8 days
ARGHSH I was thinking maybe ler!Sero and Lee!gnReader for day 15 of tickletober????? TYSM if you decide to do this (it’s also ok of you don’t ToT)
TickleTober Day 15 - “Are you ticklish?”
~THANK YOU ANON!✨✨✨✨ Sero is best boy, no doubt about it. Fair warning, I haven’t watched the newest season yet, so this is gonna be written with the knowledge I have! As for the movie reference in here, let’s be honest: that scene with the spiders got a good few of us. I may or may not have let my old crush on Sero show here… Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy! Happy spooky season!~
Lee: Gender Neutral Reader (nickname “hon”)
Ler: Hanta Sero
Summary: What starts as an innocent movie hang-out becomes tickly chaos as Sero makes a rather interesting discovery. Unfortunately for you, he’s quite happy with the new source of entertainment.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Movie night – an innocent enough idea, or so you’d thought. You and him hadn’t had much quality time as-of-late, so you penciled in some quick, low-effort fun.
And, of course, Sero had to be the one to choose the film. You weren’t complaining (much); he had pretty good taste in films. You just hadn’t expected him to pick a movie with…that in it.
Since it was October, Sero had chosen a spooky movie: Corpse Bride. You’d never seen it before, and it seemed interesting. He promised you’d like it, even betting his favorite hoodie that you’d wanna watch it again. You happily took those odds.
About three-fourths of the way through the movie, you were definitely into it. The stop-motion animation was really cool to watch, and the plot had you wondering which way it’d go.
Of course, you also had the world’s comfiest space heater next to you, his arm draped over your shoulder as you leaned against his side. That definitely helped you enjoy yourself.
You were completely relaxed and focused, zeroed in on the television screen. So, when the scene with the spiders came on, you were completely unprepared.
As the folk of the underworld were preparing Victor for the wedding, Victor’s suit was tailored by the spiders. At least six of the hand-sized arachnids crawled across his torso, each repairing some part of his suit.
Apparently, the legs tickled; he jerked about and laughed, squirming as they accidentally tickled him. It wasn’t a long scene, by any means, but it still caught you completely off guard.
Sero felt you squirm, glancing over to see what was going on. You were blushing…? The only thing happening on screen was a quick tickle scene. He saw your foot clench through your socks, and it all clicked. Oooo, I’m gonna have fun with this…
“You’re awfully red over there, hon. What’sa matter?” Sero gave your side a little squeeze, presumably to get your attention. He couldn’t hide his smirk as you jumped, loving the little sound that caught in your throat.
“I-I’m fine. Just…need a drink.” You reached over to grab your drink, only to have him tase your underarm. Squeaking, you back, falling right into his side. He barely had to try to capture you, just wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Hey…” He leaned in, dropping his voice to whisper teasingly in your ear. “Are you ticklish?”
The question somehow both made your blood run cold and your face burn at the same time. When he testingly dragged a few fingers across your stomach, you couldn’t help but giggle in response.
“I’ll take that as a yes~”
Ugh, even his tone was enough to send butterflies swarming in your chest! That wasn’t the only sensation there; Sero began attacking your stomach with his right hand, the left holding you against him. He gave your hip a few teasing squeezes, watching as you bucked and laughed.
“S-SEHEHEHERO!” Wriggling and kicking, you tried to shove his arms away. Unfortunately, the smug hero-in-training was stronger than you, keeping you trapped in his arms.
“Damn, you really are ticklish, aren't cha?” Sero mused, glancing over at the screen. He skillfully hit the remote with his toe, pausing the movie so only your laughter could be heard. He loved the sound of it: raucous, flustered, and utterly adorable.
Actually, your laugh sounded…really different. It was less reserved; you didn’t exactly have the choice to hold back, after all. The sound was free, helpless, and oh-so-happy. It brought a slight blush to his cheeks, making him huff.
“You’ve been holdin’ out on me, you brat!” The tape-quirked boy playfully growled, resting his head on your shoulder. He wasn’t sure if it was flustering or not, but it was comfy. “Where’s this pretty laugh been, huh?”
“I-IHIHIT’S NOHOT PREHEHETTY!” You denied the claim, kicking your feet against the worn cushions of his couch. It wasn’t helping you escape in the slightest, but it helped you not to lose your mind.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
Suddenly, he stopped, giving you a moment to catch your breath. Fuck, that tone…he didn’t sound happy. You just huffed, shrugging.
“You don’t get to lie to my face. That has consequences.”
Before you could ask what he was talking about, he activated his quirk. Your wrists were taped together and hoisted above your head, the tail of the tape sticking to the ceiling. You were stuck to wiggle helplessly, back facing your attacker.
“I didn’t lie!” The annoyed huff told you that reasoning wasn’t gonna work. Begging it was, then. “W-wait, wait, Sero! I’m sorry!”
“Too little, too late. Sing for me~”
With that, the real attack began. Sero let his right hand attack your armpit, the other clawing at your stomach from behind. All the while, he whispered little teases in your ear, flustering the shit out of you. It was hardly fair, but you couldn’t really complain properly through your cackles.
"You have the prettiest laugh on Earth, hon. I'm not gonna let you forget it~"
As you squirmed and thrashed, your top began to ride up. It exposed your belly fully, and Sero was more than happy to take advantage of that.
“Don’t mind if I do…” He dragged his short nails across your bare midriff, loving the feeling of your quivering belly beneath his fingers. “I could do this aaaaall day, hon~”
You were losing it, thrashing and twisting to try and get the tape off. It held diabolically strong, leaving you trapped under Sero’s evil fingers. Eventually, you hit your limit, letting your head hang forwards.
He begrudgingly stopped, sensing you had reached your limit. The tape was removed, and he pulled you back against his chest to cuddle. Utterly exhausted, you complied without a second thought.
“Geez, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as ticklish as you.” Sero chuckled, gently rubbing the stomach he had just finished tormenting. You just groaned in flustered annoyance, burying your face in his warm chest.
“Shut up, Hanta.” You used his first name to let him know he was pushing it. The head pats you received were close to compensation, but he had a long way to go.
Glancing over, you finally remember the movie the two of you were watching. You were about to fall asleep, so finishing it would have to wait until tomorrow. Actually…
“Hey, since we didn’t actually finish the movie, I can’t watch it again. I won the bet.” Watching his expression go from confusion to despair felt extra gratifying in that moment. He sputtered, trying and failing to come up with a reason to deny you. You’d found a loophole.
“Damn it…fine. You can have my Kuromi hoodie…brat.” You stuck your tongue out at him before cheering; you’d been after soft purple article for months.
Yeah, he was never gonna see that hoodie again…
Worth it.
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italeean · 1 year
hi! for the tickle match-up event, - a few of my hobbies are tennis, playing guitar, taking walks, and writings fanfics :) i like the quiet, sweet foods, and watching sports
im also a switch
and i'd like to choose the mha fandom!! with a platonic relationship, and a male character
(hope i included everything u needed) - have a good day/night!!
Hello my dear, thank you for participating in my little event 😸❤️ I was genuinely surprised by how quickly you sent in a request, it made me so so so happyyy 🍡 *hands you some dango*
🔮 So... for the match-up, your pair is... DEKU 💚💚
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• He can be cheerful and smiley, but he's not excessively loud or all over the place like other characters • He's perfect to take long walks, and he'd be able to carry on an entertaining and relaxing conversation while doing that • I think he'd also be a fan of watching sports with you... maybe he'd even keep notebooks of his favorite teams and athletes like he does with quirks • He'd also be a good tennist, I think. Maybe a bit clumsy at the beginning, but he'd learn quickly!! • He'd probably tickle you as a "punishment" for laughing at his clumsiness; obviously he'd be playful and goofy, he knows you'd never laugh at him • He'd probably use his quirk by mistake a couple of times, which would result in a destroyed ball and an embarrassing green bean rambling 1000 apologies per second • I also see you two taking lots of strolls in the park and enjoying the view • Then he'd be delighted if you played the guitar, maybe while you take a break from the walking... and he might even offer to buy you ice cream for playing the guitar so well!!! • He'd tickle you because he wants to hear you sing after hearing you play! (He's totally the type who'd say something about you having a melodious laughter) • Let's be honest, he'd offer ice cream to all his friends • He'd totally offer to carry your guitar if he sees you struggling while walking. After all, it's his duty as a hero to preserve everyone's happiness and well-being, including the ones of  your back and shoulders hehe • You could try to tickle him lightly, just to make it more difficult for him to carry your guitar
🔮 Tickle scenario: "I'm sure Djokovic will win this time!" You said as Deku turned on the TV and tuned it on the tennis channel. It was always a pleasant time when the two of you spent your evening watching sports and commenting the performances.
"No way! Federer is much more experienced and his technique is perfect, besides, based on his current physical conditions..." You couldn't help but chuckle as he rambled about his theories. You felt honored to be friends with such a precious boy who always knew how to make you laugh.
However, things were different this time. There was a serious bet going on, and the stakes were high, very high. Deku had bet on Federer based on a calculated, deep study of data and statistics, while you had chosen Djokovic based on... well... a gut feeling.
You both laughed it off as the match started, your eyes fixated on the screen as you two munched on some candy.
The match was long and nerve-wracking, as you both expected from the two titans that were challenging each other, but alas it came to an end...
And that ending taught Deku to never underestimate the power of a gut feeling.
"Ha!!! Take that! I knew he'd win!!!" You celebrated as Djokovic raised his cup high in the sky. Deku, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded. "How..? I was so sure... it's impossible..! Based on their recent performa- WAH!! N-no wait!!!"
Too late, you were already on top of him, cracking your knuckles. "No can do, a bet is a bet and now you gotta pay!" With that battle cry, your hands finally found the poor boy's torso and attacked mercies. Squeezing his hips, poking his sides, scribbling on his tummy, spidering on each one of his abs, and even swirling a finger inside his belly button every once in a while, just to entertain yourself with the squeal that left his lips every single time.
"NAHAHAOHOHOHO THIS IHIHSN'T FAHAHAIR..!" He kicked and squirmed, but to no avail, as you targeted every sensitive spot you could find. "This isn't fair? How so?" You asked as if you weren't wrecking the life out of the poor green bean.
"B-becahahause he wahasn't suppohohosehed to wihihihin..!" He whined, his laughter toning down a little as you targeted a less ticklish spot in a sudden moment of mercy. "Yohohou prohobahahahably cheatehehed..!" He joked, not knowing he was about to face the consequences.
"Now you really asked for it, prepare to die!!" You exclaimed as you went for his death spot... or at least tried to.
Something took a firm hold of your wrist, and you barely managed to catch a glimpse of Deku's Blackwhip before the world turned upside down and you saw the young hero's face smirking at you.
He didn't even waste any time to think of a good comeback sentence. He just went for your death spot before you could even think of retaliating. "NONONOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAIHIHIT!!!" is all you managed to say before he unleashed his counterattack, or as he liked to call it, his Tickle Monster Quirk.
The rest of the afternoon went on accompanied by the sounds of your laughter, and ended with many doubts about who had effectively won that tickle war.
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intheticklecloset · 24 days
You Mean More (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
Summary: Bakugou promised Todoroki to spend time with him on the last day of summer break. The problem is he's forgotten that, and now Todoroki is acting out.
A/N: Definitely more angsty than I tend to write, but I had a good time exploring these characters in a different way, and I think it turned out really well. I wrote this for @giggly-squiggily after one of our many wonderful conversations! I hope you enjoy this slightly different take on my usual TodoBaku. 💖
Word Count: 2222
Warning/Disclaimer: Angst, mostly a comfort fic with some tickles involved
Bakugou sputtered as the pillow connected with his face, making him drop his phone in his lap and blink back into the real world, where Todoroki stood with one hand on his hip and the other gripping the corner of said cushion.
“The hell was that for, icy-hot?!” he snapped.
Todoroki shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you’ve forgotten something.”
He made to swing the pillow again, but this time the blonde was ready. He protected himself with an arm and then knocked the soft weapon away entirely. A quick glance at his phone screen told him his character had died in battle.
Bakugou growled and closed out of the game. “Forgotten what?”
“‘Forgotten what?’” Todoroki mimicked in a purposely mocking voice that annoyed the blonde to no end. “You always do this. It’s the last day of summer break! Weren’t you going to do something with me today, hothead?”
Okay, so Todoroki was clearly in an interesting mood. Irritated because of the mocking but still using the affectionate ‘hothead’ nickname? Bakugou frowned.
“Just remind me. You don’t need to hit me in the face with a pillow, especially in the middle of a game.”
Todoroki glanced at the phone still in his boyfriend’s hand, then huffed. “Would you like me to role play as your emperor? Would that get your attention?” Then, before Bakugou could protest, he jumped right to it, straightening imperiously and looking very much like his father for a brief moment. Not that the blonde was stupid enough to say so out loud. “You, peasant! I demand that you serve me. Keep the promise you made at the beginning of the week!”
Bakugou clenched his fists, breathing through his nose in an effort to stay in control of his temper, which was quickly rearing its head at the way Todoroki was acting right now. “What promise?”
“You’ve forgotten again? Bah!” Todoroki turned on his heel and strode away a few paces. “I’ve no need of a useless boyfriend like you.”
At this point, Bakugou got to his feet. “Hey! Cut the attitude. Just tell me what you—”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked being bossed around like a servant.” Todoroki gave him a glance that was both angry and hurt. “Since you spend so much time on that game you’ve forgotten me entirely this week.”
Bakugou opened his mouth to retort, but found that he couldn’t. All of a sudden he felt a stab of guilt. He glanced at the calendar on the wall, noticing that it was indeed the last day of summer break, and what had they done together? He couldn’t remember. He didn’t know that he’d even seen much of Todoroki this week, let alone actually spent time with him.
He let out a resigned breath. “Shit.”
“Truly, a word of great wisdom,” Todoroki muttered, but he deflated a little as well.
“I’m sorry, icy-hot. It’s just…this game—”
He realized it was the wrong thing to say as soon as the words left his mouth. Todoroki looked like a kicked puppy for a brief instant, but then his eyes glazed over with a coldness that could rival his tallest ice wall.
“Don’t bother. Your emperor clearly means more to you than me.”
Bakugou clenched his fists again. “Icy-hot. You’re not going to like where that sass of yours is gonna take you.”
Todoroki gave him the most deadpan expression he could muster and monotoned, “Oh, no. Please. Don’t take me anywhere. I would hate that.”
“All right, you asked for it!”
Bakugou lunged for him, and though it was obvious Todoroki had been trying to get any kind of attention from him, he was surprised that his boyfriend actually fought back, dodging his attempt to grab him as deftly as a ninja.
“You want me?” Todoroki spat, still looking both hurt and angry at the same time. His voice wobbled a bit on the last two words: “Prove it.”
Challenge accepted.
For a few minutes the two of them tussled – Bakugou trying to grab at him and Todoroki dodging out of the way, literally dancing circles around the blonde, which only got him more fired up. Soon the grabs turned into actual attempts to land a blow, which then turned to them all-out sparring in the middle of the room. How they both resisted the urge to use their quirks was beyond Bakugou.
Still, when the blonde was determined to do something, he did it. At last, he managed to grab a fistful of Todoroki’s shirt, at which point he promptly threw him to the ground. Todoroki tried to punch and kick him away, but his boyfriend merely snatched up his wrists and pinned them out at his sides, throwing one leg over to half-straddle, half-lay on his legs to keep him from thrashing, and finally – finally – the icy-hot boy stopped fighting.
“Do I have your attention now?” he asked as he caught his breath, panting from the exertion.
Bakugou grunted. “Hell yeah, you do. And you know what? I still don’t like your attitude.”
“Oh, poor baby.”
The blonde gripped his wrists hard enough to make him wince. “If you weren’t my boyfriend, I’d pound your ass into the ground.”
Todoroki snorted. “I’m your boyfriend? Could have fooled me.”
“But since you are,” Bakugou continued as if he hadn’t heard him, “I’m going to give you a different attitude check.”
The icy-hot boy opened his mouth to say something more, but he was cut off by his own loud gasp when he felt a finger swipe down the arch of his foot.
Todoroki lifted his head to look at the blonde, who was giving him a wicked look that he knew meant only one thing was coming. He yelped, “Wait!”
“Wait? Fuck no! Not after all that,” Bakugou snapped, releasing his pinned arms to dive for his feet, ripping off the socks and going all-out on his bare soles.
Todoroki let out a scream, immediately bursting into uncontrollable laughter as he flailed his arms and cried, “NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! KAHAHAHAHAHATSUKI DOHOHOHOHOHON’T!!”
“What’s that? My first name? Must be doing something right,” Bakugou half-teased, half-growled, locking both of his partner’s feet in a headlock and scratching ruthlessly at his arches, his heels, his toes. “I’m gonna tickle that sass right outta you, icy-hot.”
“Yeah, I got that. But until you can talk to me without being snarky, you’re getting my full tickle torture treatment.” Bakugou reared his head back when one of Todoroki’s feet tried kicking him in the face. He growled and pinned his ankles down to straddle them, then went crazy tickling both of his worst spots at once, enjoying the screeching laughter he got for his efforts as he usually did, even though a part of him was still annoyed by the whole situation.
Todoroki flailed and bucked and laughed and rolled from side to side in ticklish agony, but despite all of his efforts, he knew he wasn’t going anywhere. A part of him had known he’d get stuck in this situation if he pressed Bakugou too hard, but really, what else was he supposed to do? Trying to get his own boyfriend’s attention was as difficult as trying to defeat Shigaraki sometimes!
“Well done. Saying ‘please’ is a good first step. Now, will you promise to talk this out with me like a civilized human being?” Bakugou asked in a teasingly reasonable tone.
The blonde wordlessly pulled back his two biggest toes to scratch ruthlessly at the hypersensitive spots on the icy-hot boy’s arches, and Todoroki instantly lost what was left of his mind – and his resolve.
Finally Bakugou ceased his attack, allowing Todoroki to melt into the ground and gasp for breath, cheeks pink and eyes misty and giggling out leftovers.
Then the blonde braced himself on either side of his partner’s shoulders, looming into his field of vision. “Out with it. Nicely.”
Despite everything, Todoroki still managed to summon a sad look when he asked, “Do you really not remember?”
Bakugou frowned, shifting as though about to strike again. “Icy-hot—”
“You said you’d cuddle me!” Todoroki cried, his voice coming out whinier than he probably meant it to, since he took a moment to clear his throat before trying again. “All summer break you wanted your space. I guess you wanted to play your game, and I get that you’re not clingy like me, I really do. But – but you keep telling me that if I ever really need them, I’m always allowed to ask you for cuddles, and at the beginning of the week you promised to save this day for an anime marathon and cuddling on the couch together, but then every time you promise something like that you forget, and—”
Bakugou’s eyes widened as the memory hit him out of nowhere, and suddenly all of Todoroki’s nagging and attitude made sense, as did the first tears spilling down his cheeks.
“I’m just so tired of competing with a stupid video game,” his boyfriend finished weakly, the last words rising up into a sob as more tears came to his eyes.
“Fuck,” Bakugou whispered, panic welling up inside him. He’d done it again. He was the worst! How had Todoroki put up with this shit for so long? He should have left him forever ago for pulling this stunt over and over again. Because he was right – it wasn’t the first time.
Todoroki rolled onto his side, and despite his looming position, Bakugou allowed him to do so. But he wasn’t going to let him cry without saying something. No way.
“God, I’m sorry, Shoto,” Bakugou said, and he was surprised how much it hurt to say it. He shouldn’t have had to say it. He should have been a better boyfriend and kept his promises from the start. He should never have put either of them in this position. “You’re right. I’ve been way too focused on shit that doesn’t matter. You’re so much more important to me than some dumb video game. I should have been better about proving it.”
At this point, Todoroki took in a shuddering breath and covered his face. “I’m sorry for being so clingy. I know it’s not normal to want to cuddle so much—”
“Nope! Stopping you right there.” Bakugou gently grabbed his shoulder and forced him onto his back again so that he’d have to look up and make eye contact. “Fuck normal. This is your normal. Wanting affection isn’t a bad thing. I’m just shit at making it happen for you. But I swear on All Might – on all the pro heroes in the entire world – I’m changing that right now.”
Todoroki didn’t reply, but the look in his eyes was clear: I don’t believe you. You’ve said that so many times and never followed through.
With a sudden determination, Bakugou pushed to his feet and strode back to where his phone now lay on the ground, picking it up and opening the lockscreen on his way back to his partner.
He went to his home screen.
He held down his thumb so the icons would start to bounce.
He clicked the X on the game he’d just been playing.
“Wait—!” Todoroki reached out as if to stop him, but Bakugou swiftly moved out of his range and followed through, deleting the app and all of this week’s progress in one tiny tap.
Utter silence descended.
Bakugou tossed his phone aside and reached out to cup Todoroki’s scarred cheek. “You mean more.”
Todoroki’s face crumpled as a fresh round of tears overtook him, and Bakugou wrapped his arms around him and held him to his chest, hugging him as closely and as tightly as he could manage.
A few minutes later, Todoroki finally stopped crying and took a deep breath to calm himself. “You didn’t have to do that,” he murmured. “I just wanted to be with you.”
“You’re my emperor,” the blonde returned in just as soft a tone. “Not some cheapass CGI character."
Todoroki snorted out a laugh, and the sound of it made Bakugou’s spirits lift. “Cheesy.”
“Not as cheesy as that anime you wanted to watch. What was it? Kaguya-sama?”
“Love is war,” Todoroki confirmed. “Which honestly, kind of suits us, doesn’t it?”
“I do like sparring with you.”
“And wrestling.”
“And being pinned down?” Bakugou teased, smirking at the blush that rose up in response. “And tickled out of your mind?”
Todoroki giggled a little, pushing at his chest. “Shut up.”
“Oh, that’s right. You like tickling me out of my mind even more.”
“Shut up!”
Bakugou chuckled and tilted his chin up so they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “I can’t decide if I want to kiss you, or squeeze you, or wrap you up in a blanket burrito, or tickle you again because – god – your laugh.”
This time it was the exact right thing to say. Todoroki’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he shifted in Bakugou’s lap a little as he seemed to formulate a response.
“Maybe…” he said tentatively, “all of the above?”
Bakugou started by kissing him.
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c00kiesart · 1 month
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Pretty easy to star gaze with eyes like hers✨
+ Not cropped version!
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Twitter // Kofi
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otomiyaa · 2 months
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Hawks x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?” Requested by anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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It was your latest addiction. A dating sim game on your phone. Who would have thought? The characters were just so interesting, the game elements were all really fun and addictive, and your digital boyfriends were always at home.
Unlike a certain real boyfriend...
Great timing - just as you were thinking of him, you heard the door and his familiar footsteps could be heard.
"Honey, I'm home~!"
Although you were pleased to hear he was back, you weren't the type to jump off your bed and rush into his arms. No, you were in the middle of your game right now and planned to hug him later.
"Welcome home!" you chirped.
Following the sound of your voice, Hawks entered the bedroom to find you lounging comfortably on your bed, face down while playing on your phone.
"I'm hooome!" he repeated, and you yelped when he let himself fall right on top of you. His entire weight including wings wasn't nothing, and you let out a funny sound.
"Baby, get off me! You're heavy."
With difficulty, your fingers continued to play the game.
"Are you still playing with the virtual boyfriends? I'm getting jealous," Hawks said.
"Well, you weren't home anyway. I'm almost finished."
"I'm home now. Give me a kiss, not him."
"I'm almost finished," you repeated, but Hawks also repeated himself:
"Come on baby, give me a kiss."
Someone was needy! You sighed. "Maybe next time when I can actually move?"
Hawks was silent for a moment. "You can't move?" he asked. You weren't sure what that tone in his voice was doing. As if he realized something.
"Yeah, like I said, you're heavy. I can't turn around and kiss you. If you get off me first, I'll stop playing and will give you your kiss," you said.
There was a brief silence again, but the weight wasn't going away.
"Kei?" you asked nervously. Then all of a sudden, you felt his fingers under your shirt, and you twitched heavily.
"Wha-hohohold on, bahahaby no!" you cried as soon as you realized what he was going to do.
"My sweetie can't move, which is the perfect chance for a tickle," Hawks announced playfully. His fingers began to move and wiggle against your bare sides, and you dropped your phone and began to squirm underneath him.
"Nohoho! Don't- okahahay we'll kihihiss, we'll kiss- ahaha stop! Not thehehere!" You were definitely giggly, and your evil lover seemed very pleased to hear your hysterical reactions as he hummed along.
"That's something those game-BF's can't do for you babe. They won't tickle you like this and make you laugh," he told you with his lips close to your ear. His breath tickled you too and you squealed.
"I knohohow! Now st-aahahaha wahahait!" you howled when his fingers continued to climb higher. He tickled your ribs on both sides, and your eyes widened as you felt his fingers getting closer to your underarms. You tried to struggle, but were still pinned helplessly under his heavy weight.
"Not thehehere I'll do ahahanything!" you laughed dramatically. Hawks chuckled.
"Anything hm? I'll consider it later~!" he sang, and he started to tickle your armpits without mercy. You squirmed and kicked, but you really weren't going anywhere. Your position didn't give you any flexibility, and all you could really do was laugh at your lover's mercy.
"KEheheei! Plehehease! I cahahan't breheheathe, nohoho!"
It wasn't the first time. You knew Hawks would tickle you from time to time, until the moment your stomach hurt, you cried tears from laughter, you couldn't breathe and feared you'd pee your pants.
But still, he would always stop before it really became too much, so of course, you trusted that he would this time as well. And he did.
"Phew! That tickled you so much, didn't it?" Hawks said cheerfully when he finally released you from his killing weight. He positioned himself right next to you, and he still rested one wing on top of you, like a comfortable little feather blanket.
"Totally did," you said, and you rolled your eyes fondly. Hawks tapped his lips.
"Will I still get that kiss?"
You rolled your eyes again and leaned in closer. "Of course." The sweet moment of your lips touching soon became a little more heated as you started to make out passionately.
Being the busy hero he was, your beloved boyfriend just wasn't at home enough, and you missed him everytime he wasn't with you.
"Missed me hm? Will you still do anything for me?" Hawks asked when you pulled apart for a moment.
"I'll have to think about it," you said with a blush, not feeling like making it too easy for him. Hawks nodded.
"Oh. You'll have to think about it? Would... this help you think?"
You didn't expect him to tickle you so soon again. His fingers easily found their way back to your armpits, and soon you were cackling under his sweet torturous touch again.
"You ahahare the woooorst!" you howled hysterically, but he was right. Even though your charming videogame boyfriends would keep you company from time to time when he was gone, entertain you, and play games with you, they were still virtual and would never be able to kiss and tickle you like this.
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tklpilled · 2 months
asking ochako what she and toga are would be like asking if tomatoes are fruits or vegetables. there’s the logical answer, the one that’s objectively correct: tomatoes are fruits, and she and toga are enemies. an undeniable fact. but there's another answer, the one that isn’t technically true but that feels right, like it would be true if circumstances were different: that a tomato is a vegetable. that ochako and toga are lovers.
ochako doesn’t think either answer is entirely right. she thinks they’re too gentle to be enemies. she thinks they’re too violent to be lovers.
toga pins her to the ground, blade in hand, sharp smile on her face. her love is an obsessive kind, one that acts like it wants to consume ochako whole. 
“ochako-chan,” she says, eyes glistening with bloodlust. “won’t you give me a taste?”
ochako squirms beneath her, some mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through her. “you’ll have to work for it.”
toga tosses her head back with a laugh and ochako thinks it may just be the prettiest sound in the world, a high-pitched giggle that makes her sound just like the schoolgirl she is. “you can never make it easy for me, can you?”
ochako grins, and in an instant she’s wriggled her way out and begins to run.
she’s not trying, really. she could easily run much faster, and she thinks toga knows that. it’s like this every time; ochako doesn’t run fast, or she doesn’t go very far, allowing toga to catch her every single time. she lives for the thrill of it.
she feels toga’s arms wrap around her waist before she’s on the ground again in quite a similar position as before, only this time she’s face-down in the grass. she turns her head to look up at the villain, a smug look on her face even though she’s lost this little game of theirs. in a way, she’s still winning.
toga leans in, her breath brushing against ochako’s ear. “caught you~!” she giggles, pressing most of her weight against ochako’s back. she taps her fingers against the hero’s arm. “you’re not going easy on me, are you, ochako-chan?”
ochako smiles up at her. “of course not,” she lies smoothly. “you caught me fair and square.”
toga sighs, her head drooping a bit. “you do look cute when you’re all bloodied,” she says, twirling her knife between her fingers. “but i don’t know…i’m thinking of switching things up!” she picks her head back up, grinning. “are you ticklish, ochako?”
“h-huh?” ochako squeaks out, eyes widening. 
toga continues, an almost disappointed expression on her face. “i see how you always laugh around izuku,” she complains. “i’m getting jealous of him, you know? why don’t you ever laugh like that with me?”
ochako stares in shock for a second before she snorts. “is that it?”
toga hisses, cheeks pinkening. there’s a clattering sound as she tosses her blade aside, manicured nails crawling up ochako’s sides before she can react.
“himiko!” she squeaks, her hands grabbing at toga’s. she tries activating her quirk, but toga is faster than her in this state. she grabs ochako’s wrists and pins them over her head with one hand, her other continuing her merciless assault.
“you’re so cute, ochako!” toga practically squeals, giggling along. “just laugh and i’ll stop, ‘kay? after a while, anyway.”
ochako tries to hold out, but among her list of weaknesses, both tickling and himiko toga are at the top. she falls into laughter, kicking her feet behind her, the only part of her body that she can freely move. she never wears her hero costume when she goes to meet toga, never seeing a reason to, but right now she wishes she had it to protect her.
or, well, a part of her does. the other part of her is undeniably happy, even despite her situation. because toga is smiling with her, and being playful and acting like a regular girl instead of a wanted criminal. ochako’s heart nearly bursts with want, to take her back to u.a. and kiss her and give her every last drop of her blood.
but all she can do is shove the thought away and enjoy the moment while it lasts.
toga lets go of her arms suddenly, grabbing her body and flipping her over to face her. she cups ochako’s cheek with her hand. it’s warm.
“stop frowning like that, ochako,” she says. her voice is always so gentle when she talks to her. “i’m trying to make you laugh. you’re ruining it, you know.”
“i love you,” says ochako before she can stop herself.
“i know,” replies himiko.
ochako looks down at himiko’s hand, still resting against her side. her nails are sharp, pointed. she once thought those nails would rip her apart. she wouldn’t care much if they did.
but they don’t, because himiko has killed and hurt and tortured but ochako is like a goddess to her. so, yes, they claw at her stomach and make her shriek, but no blood is shed and all ochako feels is love. 
“h-hihimikoho!” she squeaks, one hand flying up to her mouth to muffle herself, but himiko pulls it away just as quickly.
“don’t hide from me, ochako-chan,” she coos, lacing their fingers together. “let me see your pretty face!”
ochako falls practically limp, letting himiko toy with her as she wishes. “st-stohohop, stop, tihihickles,” she manages to piece together through endless giggles. the only thing racing through her mind is that it tickles.
it makes himiko laugh. “ha! because i’m tickling you, silly. it’s supposed to.” the tone of her voice makes ochako squirm, butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her face heating up.
there are tears in her eyes when himiko finally relents, brushing messy strands of hair out of ochako’s face. “you’re so cute,” she hums, leaning to place a kiss on ochako’s forehead. it’s one of the gentlest acts that she’ll ever perform.
and when ochako inevitably has to leave, to keep whatever this is a secret, she will give her a kiss in return as a farewell. and himiko will smile and blush in the way ochako loves, and she will place a hand to her lips as if to preserve the feeling forever.
and later, they will meet, and do the same thing again, and ochako does not hurt people and himiko does not save people, but somehow they still fit together perfectly.
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funagonys-blog · 4 months
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"Don't mock Captain Hero - a ticklish lesson for Kudo"
... and don't pull reckless stunts while fighting All For One's organization! These are the lessons Kudo, the second One For All holder, is learning the hard way.
I don't know much about Yoichi, Bruce and Kudo, so these interactions might be out of character in canon. However, I have read fanfictions where Yoichi, the first OFA holder, shows Captain Hero to Kudo and he often thinks it represents a parody of the hero genre. Also, in those fics he tends to find hero (an villains) monologues insufferables. On the other hand, I have read some fics where Kudo acts in a reckless and self-sacrificing way due to some issues. Consequently, I used all these elements to create this scenario inside the Void of One For All, where Kudo accidentally offends Captain Hero in front of Yoichi, who decides to punish him for this, with the help of Bruce, the third OFA user, who wants Kudo to pay for being a reckless sacrificing idiot and worrying both of them when they were alive.
In the end, I just wanted an excuse to draw the stony second OFA user laugh.
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thebest-medicine · 6 months
Day 24: Pinned
Tickletober 2023 - My Hero Academia - Class 1A - lee!Bakugo, lee!Midoriya
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[ao3 link]
A/N: first my hero academia fic??? neeed!!!! angry boy need tickled sometimes. god help whoever does it tho.
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Summary: Bakugo is all three things: loud, angry, and ticklish. One of them is less obvious than the others, and he wants to keep it that way. 
Words: 1.4k 
Loud, angry, and ticklish — these were among the many words that could describe Bakugo Katsuki. Like his quirk, he was often explosive with his voice and his temper. Ticklish, though? That was a pretty well-hidden feature, and one that not many would be willing to try with him! Not that anyone had in a long time. 
Until today. 
The sound of tittering laughter and chatter, much too loud and too cheery to be school-related, drew an already grumpy Bakugo toward the common room of the dorms. It seemed to be the place to be, he realized, when he walked in and saw most of his classmates relaxing around the couch, laughing and talking.
“What the hell are you all laughing about in here?” Bakugo barged in, asking loudly.
“Bakugo! Come on, Sero was just telling us the funniest story about—” Ochaco waved him over.
Bakugo cut her off. “Why don’t you losers stop sitting around laughing and wasting all day and get some goddamn work done! Ugh, Icy Hot and I have been working twice as hard as the rest of you because of our extra classes, and now you’re all slacking off?! It’s gonna be way too easy for me to surpass you! Where’s the challenge in that!? Now get off your asses and stop slacking!!!” 
Everyone stared back at him, their giggling long gone.
“It’s Sunday afternoon Bakugo…” Momo sighed.
“Yeah, come on, even heroes need to rest.” Tsu added.
“It’s good for you to relax a little. We’re all still training super hard!” Mina assured her classmate.
“Shut up! You’re all just a bunch of slackers and losers!” Bakugo grumbled loudly.
“Would it kill you to relax? Maybe smile a little?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugo turned to look at him, glaring with fuming rage. 
“We’re not even doing anything to bother you, Bakubro, come on!” Kaminari bargained. “If you want to keep studying then go back to your room, you don’t have to sit here watching us relax if you don’t want to join us.” 
“Seriously, come on…” Kirishima sighed. “You know we’ve all been working hard, we deserve some chill time!” If he squinted, it almost looked like Bakugo was steaming with anger.
In the dorms, with his guard down, focused on arguing with his friends and surrounded by his classmates, Bakugo didn’t sense the approach of his childhood friend from behind until it was too late. 
With a wide grin on his face, Midoriya had managed to creep up behind the grumpy, yapping dog that was Bakugo. He remembered something about his friend from a long time ago, and though he hadn’t tried it in many, many years, he was sure it would help here.
It was a matter of moments between when Bakugo was yelling back at Kirishima and Kaminari and when he finally felt the presence of someone approaching from behind. He ignored it for a second too long. Midoriya’s voice was friendly as it chided. “Kacchan, why are you being so mean?” And suddenly there were accompanying fingers pinching along Bakugo’s sides. 
“—GET BACK TO WO-AHHIIHHH!” His rant cut off into a very un-hero-like squeal at the unexpected tickle. Bakugo’s face, which was already red with anger, ripened further as he slowly spun his head to look behind him at Midoriya. “What. The FUCK!!!” 
“What just happened!?” Kaminari asked, smirking.
“Was that you Bakubro?” Kirishima said in disbelief.
“Deku, what did you just do?” Ochaco laughed.
“Oh my gosh! Bakugo are you ticklish?” Mina grinned, wiggling in her seat.
“That’s so cute!” Tsu agreed.
“Wait what? I missed it!” Sero turned to face him better.
Bakugo growled. “Deku…” 
Midoriya’s eyes widened as he saw Kacchan shift his weight to launch an offensive his direction. “Wait! Kacchan, I’m sorry don’t kill meEE—” He quickly sped off with a squeal out of the common room and into the hall as Bakugo bolted after him as fast as he could without shooting out explosions.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you would react so much!” Izuku laughed as he raced ahead of his rival and old friend. 
The rest of the class left them to it, not wanting to incur the wrath of a furious Bakugo as Midoriya just had. They were grateful to their classmate for allowing them to continue relaxing for a few more hours without having criticisms screamed at them. Bakugo had a point, but so did they. They would have to work hard but still relax hard, play hard. 
Down the hall, Shoji picked up the sound of a scuffle before everyone heard crash and tumble followed by the familiar sound of Midoriya’s laughter… though this time it sounded much more frantic than it usually did after a good story or funny joke. 
Izuku didn’t know what he had been thinking when he’d tried to tickle Kacchan for a brief second in the common room of their dorm… He had been yelling at everyone and looked so angry, Izuku just wanted to distract him for a moment and maybe get him to relax or smile a little. He remembered having tickle fights with Kacchan when they were kids. It had been a long, long time. This time, he got the jump on him, just for a moment. It was in front of their classmates, so other people now knew Kacchan was ticklish. It made sense that he was so angry, he was angry a lot. But, it had been nice to catch a hint of his smile. Even if he had embarrassed him a little. 
Now that he’d done it, though, he realized too late the wrath he had provoked. 
Izuku sped down the hall as fast as he could, trying to race back to his dorm room in time to try to lock himself inside—though… Katsuki seemed mad enough that he might just activate his quirk and blow the door down. He didn’t make it far enough to find out, though. Bakugo crashed into him, shouting obscenities as he knocked them both to the ground. 
“Wait! Kacchan don’t! Not out here!” Midoriya yelped as Bakugo landed on him. He knew he was caught.
“Stupid Deku, see how you fucking like it!!” Bakugo growled, pushing Midoriya into the floor and kneeling over his thighs. He reached down, jabbing harsh, tickling fingers ruthlessly into Izuku’s sides. They squeezed up along his ribs and down to his hips. Izuku screeched out a laugh before flailing helplessly where he was already pinned. He tried to reach back behind him to grab or block a hand. 
“KACCHAHAHAN— I’M SORRYHEHEHE!” Izuku shrieked through his laughter. “IHIHIHI- I CAHAHAN’T BREHEHEATHE!” He cried, kicking into the floor. 
“Good! Die!!!” Bakugo answered, loud and angry, as he made a grab for Izuku’s wrist and hauled it up over his head. 
Bakugo drilled fingers into his exposed armpit, and Midoriya felt tears welling in his eyes. Bakugo was ticklish, certainly, but Midoriya was… well neither of them had ever met anyone else so sensitive. How strange a trait for one determined to be the number one hero — to crumple and fall apart in the face of some simple tickling. Though, he wouldn’t call what Bakugo was putting him through ‘simple’. 
The way Bakugo saw it, the others may have seen that he was ticklish, but if he could make enough of an example out of Midoriya, no one else would dare try it again. He hoped. 
Midoriya’s other arm flailed and tapped out helplessly on the ground as Bakugo took advantage of every ticklish spot he could remember. The tickling hand even snuck down beneath him to claw against his stomach. “PL-PLHEEHEHEHEASE KACCHAN IHIHIHIHIHI CAN’T! CAHAHAN’T TAKE IT! AHAHA-STAHAHAHAHAHA—” 
Katsuki leaned in closer, still tickling viciously. “Never. Ever. Fucking. Do that again.” He paused for a second, his hand freezing against Izuku’s sides. “Understand me?” 
Izuku breathed in a few times, panting for air and giggling each breath out. After a few seconds, he spoke up. “Y-You mean like in front of people or just in general?” 
Bakugo’s face went red as he shouted, “IDIOT!” and started tickling anew. 
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fluffyweeby · 1 year
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Tickletober day 4 - Weak spot
Prompts by @tickletober
I think Aizawa having a ticklish neck is canon at this point and he’s gremlin of a husband would use it all the time against him. Wjajswwjssj I love them too much 🥹
Happy tktober everyone! 💜
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hello!!! I saw you reblogged my sentence starter thingy and that you write for mha?? was wondering if you’d be interested in the prompt “As soon as I get out of this I hope you know I’m going to murder you.” (72) with lee!bakugo and a class 1a ler of your choosing? hope you have a wonderful day! with love, @thebest-medicine
This prompt has Bakugo written all over it. This is going to be so fun to write!
Also, I’ve followed you for like, ever, so I’m nerding out a little, not gonna lie, lmao
Thank you for the request @thebest-medicine !!
From the prompt list, #72; “As soon as I get out of this, I hope you know I’m going to murder you.”
⚠️ WARNING!!!⚠️ as usual this is a tickle fic. Don’t like don’t read. Thank you 💙
Denki, Kirishima, and Midoria stared in amusement as Bakugo struggled.
The training exercise had been called to break, the trio told to get their fourth teammate free before joining the others.
The task had been simple, teams of four had to capture the other teams flags, which were strapped to each team captains belt. They had been playing defensively, forming a circle around Bakugo (who insisted he had to be captain, since his quirk made it hard to get too close). Before each match, you went up against a different team, not knowing who you would be up against.
They had no idea Sero had snuck up on the rooftop above them, shooting tape down like a web to scoop up the explosive blonde.
So, there he hung, thrashing and getting himself more tangled. He was tilted at a 50 degree angle, the toes of his boots just barely touching the ground, with his front facing downwards and hands tied behind his back.
“Get me out of this!” He roared, pulling hard at the tape. The group snickered, his thrashing less threatening as his hands were pressed against his elbows, meaning he couldn’t set off explosions without hurting himself.
“As soon as I get out of this, I hope you know I’m going to murder you.” He growled, twisting and turning. He attempted to scrunch his chin down to bite at the strap of tape wrapped across his chest.
Midoria smiled, approaching with caution. “Okay, we’ll get you down. I promise it will be okay.” The green haired boy didn’t miss the red gracing his friends features, he was clearly embarrassed about being captured so quickly.
Bakugo sneered, forcing himself to stay still. “You think I’m worried, Deku? Do you think I’m seriously so weak I’d be upset by this?” Midoria paused, making an exasperated face. “Well, I mean, you’re not exactly being calm about this either…”
Bakugo roared again, prying his hands from his arms just barely enough to fire off a few sparks. “SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU BASTARD!”
Midoria jumped back, hands up in defense.
“Will you just let us get you down?” Kirishima chimed in. He waited for the sparks to die down before approaching and placing a friendly hand between Bakugos shoulder blades. “The longer you fight, the longer you’ll hang here.”
Bakugo paused, then hung his head, muttering, but not fighting as Kirishima began picking at the tape with his other hand. He nodded the other two over, both quickly starting to do the same.
The silence of concentration fell over the group as they worked, feeling for tape edges, carefully picking up the ends with their nails and gently peeling it away piece by piece. Bakugo still twitched occasionally, tensing and huffing.
Denki was at Bakugos left, working at layered straps along his side. He felt for the edge, finding it resting on top of his lower ribs between his back and his side. Just like before he began to scratch, trying to lift the edge.
Bakugo lurched away.
Denki stepped back, worried he scratched a bruise. Bakugo began to shout.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, idiot?? How dare you betray me while I’m trapped!!!” The three stared, confused.
“Im sorry man! Did I hurt you?” Denki asked sincerely. Bakugo, surprisingly, blushed deep red.
“You know damn well what you did! Just get me out!”
Kirishima and Midoria looked at the electric hero, watching as he started to grin.
“Ooooh, right. Sorry.” He said, still smiling. He went back to Bakugos side, acting like he was going to work more carefully.
Instead, he found a gap in the tape.
He scribbled his nails right into his exposed side.
Bakugo thrashed again, but Denki didn’t back off. The explosive blonde gasped, but otherwise remained silent. Denki snickered.
“Ah, sorry bro. Does this tickle?”
Kirishima grinned and Midorias jaw dropped.
“I totally forgot! No wonder he’s so squirmy!” The redhead laughed, approaching as well. He did start picking at the tape again, but made no attempt at being careful. Bakugos thrashing increased, strained sounds finding their way out of his clenched teeth.
“Wait, how did you…? I mean, he told you?” Midoria asked, still staring. Kirishima chuckled.
“No, he didn’t. But when you spar with someone enough you get to know their weaknesses.”
A laugh slipped out, but the rest were quickly contained. Deku stepped up, smiling softly at his friends.
“What are you looking at?!” Bakugo managed to get out, a few giggles slipping out with it.
Deku grinned.
“I would watch how you talk to me while you’re like this. We grew up together, remember?”
Bakugo paled visibly.
“Wait, that’s right!” Denki said, looking expectedly at Midoria. “You must know all the tricks!! Tell us! How do we get him really laughing?” Kirishima nodded in agreement, grinning.
“Well, once he breaks, he can’t recover. Even if you give him a break he can’t stop.” Midoria reached out, gently fluttering his fingers around Bakugos neck and ears. Bakugo snorted, shaking his head. He had a smile crawling its way across his face, nose scrunching.
“How do we get him to break?” Kirishima asked, reaching to ruffle Bakugos hair affectionately.
“You can either keep it up, play the long game, and he’ll break, or you can go for a bad spot.” Keeping one hand at Bakugos neck, Deku guided one of Kirishimas hands by the wrist down to his hip. A mischievous glint flickered in the redheads eyes.
“If you’re going to murder us when you get out of this, just make my death quick, yeah?” Kirishima said, squeezing the tissue, testing.
Bakugo squealed loudly.
Different from his usual laugh, he sounded genuinely happy. Out of control, yes, but happy. He laughed from deep in his chest, tossing his head side to side and grinning widely.
Denki reached across to have one hand on each side, scribbling with vigor, while Kirishima knelt to squeeze his hips and thighs. Midoria kept his place around his neck, shoulders, and shoulder blades.
Bakugo kept his eyes squeezed shut, feeling some relief as he let himself laugh. He tried to kick, tried to fight, but he couldn’t get away. His protests came out as incoherent babbling, laced with too many giggles to really be understood.
He could feel his heart racing, his shoulders shaking, but oddly he could feel his muscles relaxing as well. He was embarrassed, sure, but he didn’t feel unsafe. And it was nice to laugh so freely.
Not that he would tell them that.
Fuck that.
Kirishima and Denki, despite tickling intently, still picked and pulled at the tape. As Bakugo thrashed, he could feel the restraints loosening. Peeking, he could see the pile of tape getting larger on the ground around him.
Bakugo forced himself to relax, stopping his squirming and going limp. The trio stopped for a moment, worried.
“Just get me out.” He panted, still giggling. “I’ll stay still, keep going.” The three looked at each other, Deku grinning.
“Tickling also makes him very compliant. If any villains find out about this, it may be his downfall.”
The three snickered, Bakugo keeping his promise and hanging limp.
Starting again, he laughed freely and fought the urge to struggle. The faster he got out the faster this was over.
So he hung.
He giggled.
He snickered.
He cackled.
He squealed.
Then he yelped as the last piece pulled free and he dropped into Kirishimas waiting arms.
Kirishima let him lay there for a moment, holding the giggly heap of a hero. His hair was more of a mess than usual, red eyes glistening with mirthful tears, face flushed. The three smiled.
Then the blonde promptly exploded.
The three bolted, scattering in different directions as Bakugo scrambled to chase them.
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thelaughtercafe · 8 months
Ler Izuku and Mirio
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Izuku/F! Reader, Mirio/F! Reader
Length: 873
Summary: N/A
Izuku Midoriya:
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Izuku cares about his friends. Anyone who even sees him in passing can tell; given he’s anything but shy about it.
He’s very good at anticipating their needs; it’s a habit he picked up from his Mom actually though he doesn’t realize it himself.
Izuku, being the observant friend he is, can’t help but notice when you blush as he accidentally brushes your side when reaching for something behind you and squeak out an excuse about how you’re fine, and just startled before dashing off.
Deku’s not dumb. Kachaan would pull the same thing back in middle school but with anger to make people back off instead.
At first he thinks you don’t like it, but he puts together rather quickly that that’s very much not the case when he catches you leaning into Todoroki’s fingers as he helps you with your hair; even as they drag ticklishly along your neck and make you giggle. Your ever present blush like last time is there too.
He can’t help his fond smile.
Cute. You’re adorable. He wonders if anyone else has figured it out but doubts it and seeing the way you nearly chase Todoroki’s fingers when he pulls away and the little look of resignation on your face before you hide it with a smile and a thanks…well…
Deku can’t have that, now can he? What kind of friend would he be otherwise?
He knocks on your door that night and once inside he smiles and simply asks, all innocent curiosity.
“Say, do you really like being tickled?”
When you go red and stutter helplessly, barely able to from words as you shyly start backing away, already giggling; you give him the answer he needs.
He follows, giving you time to move away if you’d like, but you don’t as his hands come to simply rest at your sides.
“Aw this’s adorable!! Can I help? I promise I’ll be gentle, all you have to do is say red and I’ll stop! K? If you want me to be a little faster, or rougher…tell me and I’ll try okay? You may be better off going to Kacchan for that though-”
He jolted a little as you grabbed his wrist from where he was getting ready to gently pin you down, already straddling your hips.
The desperate look in your eyes almost made him smile but the anxiety there quickly made him frown.
“Hey, this isn’t anything weird, ya know? I won’t tell anyone else if it really makes you uncomfortable but…I don’t think anyone else would mind. You always run off before the tickling branches out to all of us, but tickle fights are common. Pretty sure all of us except you have gotten wrecked by multiple people at once.”
He giggled as you blushed madly at that, hiding your face in your arm at the thought and mumbling how he was being mean.
“Aw making you flustered and blushy and warm is just part of the job description if I’m gonna tickle you! Just say Red if you need me to stop for any reason, alright cutie?”
He starts gentle when he lers and stays consistently at that pace. Unlike Bakugou who’s rough out of the gate and Todoroki who keeps things varied Izuku is almost paranoid with his strength and pressure usage thanks to his Quirk.
He never wants to hurt you, obviously.
But it makes it tickle so much more.
Unlike with other kinds of tickles there’s no heavy laughter or struggling even really.
The softness means you feels every feathery flutter of fingertips and there’s nothing you can so expect focus on it, giggle helplessly with little squeaks and squeals and the occasional gasp and flinch.
All the while Deku is merciless but in the most gentle way possible.
He’s full of praises, and coos and affectionate gestures like nuzzling your neck and humming and gosh it’s so soft and comforting it can be enough to make one cry if they’ve had a bad day and just let it out.
Afterwards he always makes sure you drink plenty of water and stretch a little too if you’ve been there a while.
Overall, a Ler super atuned to your needs and a sweetheart.
Mirio Togata:
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Laughs with his Lee
Tells stupid jokes and stories and pretends that’s why you’re laughing so hard as he tickles
Absolutely uses his Quirk to tickle attack you from behind your friends if he hears you on the other side of something. 
Loves outing your ticklishness in public and ganging up on you with others omg. 
Not a possessive ler
Loves to spread how cute you are with the world!! 
Only if you’re comfy with it though of course! He’ll play it off and let you turn the tables on him if he notices you’re uncomfortable or something! 
Doesn’t like silence when he lers so he always is talking
From stories and jokes like above to coochie coos and tickle tickles he never stops teasing. 
Loves seeing his Lee get all shy and blushy if they’re the type or to make them fight back if they’re a brat
I see him as a tummy guy as a Ler; he thinks it’s both really accessible and fun to play with
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italeean · 1 year
Hello ^^ I’m honestly pretty late, but may I partake in the event?
Name— Suzuni or nickname of Suzu
Description— I enjoy writing stories (though I more often than not find myself daydreaming about what I could write instead lol) and artistic activities such as painting/art & ceramics. Ofc I suck at my hobbies 👍👍 (I think so anyway)
I like,, honestly I have no idea. Daydreaming/picturing scenarios in my mind? I do it rlly often lol, so ig I probably like it? As for dislikes, myself— And rudeness and arrogance lol 
I try to surround myself with people who are both playful/teasy but also decently observant (Warning for mental illness mention— I have depression and consequently may make darker comments at times). I also tend to use a lighthearted and casual tone when talking about serious topics relating to myself (e.g., warning again here, self-death)
Oops that got long, sorry about that :’l
I’m a lee, and as for fandom, either Haikyuu! or My Hero Academia if that’s alright ^^
Relationship— romantic because why not lol
Preferably a male character
Anyhow, have a nice day/evening ^^
Hiiii!! Sorry for the inactivity... again 😅 istg this period is driving me bonkers but I'm also having lots of fun!! Anyway, thanks for participating, I hope you'll like who I matched you up with ❤️🍡 *hands you the usual dango to eat while you read*
🔮 So, for my event your pair is... SHINSOU
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. Sneaky, fairly smug and a little mysterious. Perfect ler material if you ask me 😌 2. I see him as a very caring and careful soul, who doesn't bond with everyone but holds extremely close the ones who manage to gain his trust 3. He would be able to understand if you need help or are struggling mentally, and he'd be there 24/7 for you 4. He could use his quirk to induce relaxation and/or make you fall asleep... obviously if you're comfortable with it and give your consent 5. He would totally get involved in your hobbies! I already see you two painting or doing ceramics together 6. You probably have made a "couple sculpture"... like a heart broken in half and each one of you keeps a half in their bedroom 7. He trained with Aizawa. He knows how to be silent. Expect surprise tickle attacks from any direction at any time~ 8. He'd be extremely happy to read your writings and give you a review about them!! He'd probably use tickling to convince you to let him read them hehe 9. Tickles whenever you say that you suck at what you do! He doesn't tolerate when someone talks badly about someone he loves (even when it's you talking badly about yourself) 10. He finds it extremely cute when you space out and daydream, so instead of interrupting you, he would cuddle up to you and hold you in his arms while you imagine any kind of scenario 11. He probably volunteers cat shelter, and sometimes you join him. Seeing how gentle he is with cats made you fall in love with him all over again. 12. When his insomnia hits hard, he comes to your room and you two end up hanging out together all night long. Or if you fall asleep, he just cuddles you and watches over you, as if he could keep bad dreams away.
🔮 Tickle scenario
Everyone liked weekends, but you surely had one more reason to enjoy them. Both you and Shinsou were free from school, which only meant one thing: date!
You always did something different: watching anime, making sculptures, painting, chatting, taking walks... one time you even tried to crochet, but he made a mess and got so grumpy that you decided to drop that activity.
That Saturday, you two decided to go at the cat shelter to do some volunteering. It was a really unusual date, but you loved spending time with each other and a ton of purring furballs. Also, the happy, adoring expression on Shinsou's face was so endearing...
The owners of the shelter were extremely nice with you, and they adored how you spent your free time on "volunteering dates". Obviously they made you work a little, but then they let you play with the kitties as much as you wanted! Actually, they let you play until it was closing time... or else you would've never gone back home.
"Hey baby I'm done with Kai, we can go home." Shinsou called for you after leaving a 5-month-old kitten to sleep, but he got no response. He saw you sitting on a chair, your back was facing him. "Baby didn't you hear me? We got-" "Shh!" You suddenly interrupted him.
He raised an eyebrow and approached you, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The new refugee of the cat shelter, who refused even to approach the sweet owners, was cuddled up on your lap and peacefully asleep. "Would you look at that..." the tall teenager smiled, "seems like this little rascal finally chose someone to trust." He was overjoyed to see that furball finally open up.
"Too bad that this human is already busy with someone else~" He reached out to grab the kitten and put him back in his sleeping pillow, but you swatted his hands away. "You're not ruining this moment..!" You whisper-yelled to not disturb the sleepy little angel, "It took me the whole day to get to this point, now we're staying here." You stated, more assertive than ever.
Your boyfriend raised an eyebrow, clearly amused with your antics, "Oh really? Then it would be a shame if a sudden earthquake disrupted your peace~"
You didn't have time to ask him what he meant. A tingly feeling spread throughout your body, making you almost jump and throw away the poor kitten. "Shinsohohou!! Stahap ihihihihit!!" You did your best to keep your legs still and not wake the little furball, but at the same time you desperately tried to swat Shinsou's hands away from your sides.
"But I'm doing nothing, honey... it's just the earthquake." He mused, close enough to your ear to make it tickle, and then blew a raspberry on your neck for good measure. He had to admit, he was a little surprised by how much you were resisting the impulse to squirm away. In other circumstances, you would've already jumped away and hidden somewhere, maybe curled up in a ball.
"Wow, not so squirmy now that you have the little rascal on your lap, huh?" He asked as his fingers played with both sides of your ribcage as if it was a piano, "I think we should name him Giggles... a fitting name related to a wonderful memory like this one..." He thought out loud with the clear intent to tease.
However, the fun had to come to an end. The owners were closing up and you two had to go back to school. He chuckled evilly and without wasting time, he drilled softly under your arms. This time, you couldn't hold back the squeal, which woke up the cat.
"Ah... you're finally awake, Giggles. Did you have a nice rest on my girlfriend's lap?" The violet-haired guy slowly approached the cat, "Now it's time to go to your actual bed, though. But we'll be back soon, alright?" He picked up the little one and laid him on his sleeping pillow and waited for him to fall asleep, then he looked at you and helped you up.
"Come on, say goodbye to giggles and get ready to go, or else I'll let you alone in Aizawa's clutches if we arrive late to UA." He told you with a smug grin on his face. You quickly got ready, not wanting to be scolded by the strict teacher, said goodbye to the owners and got on your way with your boyfriend.
"So... did you have fun on this date, Giggles 2?" Shinsou asked, laughing at how red your face turned, which made you smack his arm in utter embarrassment.
"Shut up..."
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Pushy (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
Summary: As Deku and Todoroki grow closer in the early days of their relationship, they learn things about each other they find rather adorable.
A/N: It's been a while since I posted an MHA fic, and since I had this one waiting patiently for its turn in the spotlight, I decided now is the time! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 901
Something that Todoroki didn’t know about Midoriya until after they started dating was that the greenette loved play wrestling.
The first time it happened was on a Saturday afternoon when they were at Deku’s mom’s apartment while she was at work. They had lunch and then sat to binge a new anime they gotten into together, and the next thing Todoroki knew, Deku was pushing at him playfully. Todoroki, of course, being new to dating and not wishing to disappoint, did the same. From there it evolved into full-on wrestling, their anime long forgotten.
Todoroki wasn’t sure why his urge to win was so strong; under any other circumstances he’d likely have given up well before things got out of hand, not wishing to spend the energy on it. But with Deku, things were different. His competitive side rose up like never before, and his wrestling was genuine.
Thanks to Deku’s quirk, though, the greenette eventually gained the upper hand, flopping Todoroki onto his back and pinning his wrists down, counting to three quickly so he could win their spontaneous game.
“Gotcha!” Midoriya giggled, his freckled face beaming down at his boyfriend, swinging a leg over to straddle him before letting his wrists go. “Hmm…what should my prize be?” He faux contemplated before leaning down to kiss him, running a thumb along Todoroki’s cheek.
Todoroki also learned something about himself that day. Not that he planned to admit it to anyone.
A couple of weeks later, back at the dorms, Todoroki was reaching into the fridge to get a water bottle after having trained most of the morning. But before he could open the door all the way, a hand grabbed him from behind and whipped him around, pushing him against the fridge.
Todoroki barely had time to register that it was Deku before his partner reached up to grab his face and pull him down for a kiss. Though Midoriya had gone through a growth spurt recently so there was no longer too much of a height difference between them, the peppermint boy still felt his heart racing as he allowed himself to stoop down to match him, hugging him closer, ignoring the sharp poke of a magnet digging into his back.
Who needed water when Deku’s kisses were available, anyway?
The next night, Todoroki was lounging in his dorm room watching an anime based on one of his favorite manga series when his boyfriend knocked, then entered when beckoned. He expected Deku to sit beside him and cuddle up to his warm half like he usually did.
Instead, Deku moved right in front of the TV and sat in Todoroki’s lap facing him, smirking mischievously.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” Todoroki replied. He absentmindedly ran his hands along Deku’s thighs, totally unbothered by the interruption. “Did you come to cuddle?”
Deku shrugged. “Eventually. But first I want to ask you something.” The greenette leaned in so their noses were touching. “Do you like it when I get a little pushy with you?”
Todoroki didn’t even know how he was supposed to respond to that, other than let out a little gasp. “I…I, um…what?”
Midoriya gently took Todoroki’s wrists away from his thighs, then tightened his hold and shoved them behind his head against the back of his seat.
Todoroki’s eyes went wide.
Deku grinned. “You light up when I do things like this. Remember yesterday when I kissed you by the fridge? You seemed to enjoy it when I pushed you up against it. Did you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Todoroki protested.
Deku responded with a finger in his side, wiggling gently but insistently. Todoroki sputtered and tried to scoot away, but there was nowhere for him to go with his boyfriend sitting on him.
“Be honest. You like it when I mess with you.” The freckled boy giggled, switching from poking to pinching along his partner’s side.
Todoroki let out a little giggle of his own, whining despite himself. “Nohohohoho! You’ve gohohot it wrohohohong, Midohohoriya!”
Deku hesitated, letting up, frowning a little. “I do? Then…why do you look so excited when I push you around a little?” His frown smoothed out into a tiny smile. “And why do you look so disappointed that I let you off easy just now?”
“I…! I mean, you…! Ugh, fine. All right, all right.” Todoroki averted his eyes. “I kind of like it when you mess with me. Just a little, though, you know? Like, I don’t want you to start being a jerk, it’s just…fun when you do…well, stuff like you’re doing now.”
The finger was back, tickling closer to his underarm now. “Stuff like this?”
“Hehehehey!” Todoroki snorted, giggling steadily now. “Don’t gehehehehet cahahaharried away!”
Deku chuckled. “This isn’t carried away!” He shot his tickling hand down to his boyfriend’s thigh and squeezed, tightening his grip on his wrists at the same time. “This is.”
Todoroki burst into laughter, trying to buck Deku off of his lap, but he was stuck tight, and yes, all right, he had to finally admit it – he liked Midoriya playfully taking charge like this.
“Aiiieee! Plehehehehehease, Izuku!”
Deku snickered, letting his wrists go to tickle both his sides at once, kissing him in the brief moment before his partner started pushing at his shoulders, squirming in his seat. “Good thing I like watching you get all flustered, then, Shoto!”
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Okay, so can we have lee!Dabi, ler!Hawks with "th3 safeword is tickle." Cuz Hawks knows Dabi can't say it, and he wants a go at his bellybutton!
Anon, you read my mind. The second I made that one of the options, I thought of Dabi being forced to say it~
A/N: Istg, I always put way too much romance in these lol I'm such a hopeless romantic, please forgive me. Also, this doesn't connect to any storyline, this is just fluff <3
Warning: Tickle fic ahead! Also very light bondage
Prompt: "The safe word is 'tickle'."
Characters: Dabi, Hawks
Shipping: DabiHawks, they are together!
Lee: Dabi
Ler: Hawks
Word Count: 1,187
“Alrighty, ya ready?”
Dabi groaned, face flushed as he experimentally tugged on his binds that held him spread eagle on the bed. He wasn’t tied down very tight, it was only his first time trying bondage, but being unable to protect himself made him far more nervous than he would like to admit. He tried to recall how he even got himself in this situation.
Ah, that’s right. Ever since he and Hawks started dating, he had become a lot more comfortable around him. That included attacking him with tickles at any chance he got. The feeling of superiority that washed over him whenever he tickled Hawks into submission was addictive. He knew he liked it, too, so it wasn’t that big a deal. However, one day, Hawks had expressed his desire to get revenge on his boyfriend. 
“I’m always on the receiving end,” he said,
“I just want a chance to get back at you.”
“Not gonna happen, Feathers,” Dabi chuckled.
Hawks smirked mischievously,
“How ‘bout this then? If you can go a full day without tickling me, I won’t get you back. But if you can’t,”
he took Dabi’s chin in his fingers and pulled him closer,
“Then I get to tie you up and get proper revenge.”
The hot head smirked, not wavering from Hawks’ touch,
“Fine. I’m gonna win, though~.”
He didn’t win. In fact, he lost quite spectacularly.
There were no rules set in place when they shook on the bet, and there was nothing saying Hawks couldn’t provoke his boyfriend. From being a little brat to straight up asking to be tickled, suffice to say Dabi did not last the whole day.
So now, here he was, tied down at his boyfriend’s mercy like promised. He watched Hawks, who had a stupid grin on his face. That same stupid grin that never failed to steal Dabi’s breath. 
He huffed and averted his gaze, tugging on his ropes one more time, before succumbing to his fate with a sigh,
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Hawks beamed and slowly began rolling up his boyfriend’s shirt. Dabi instinctively sucked in his belly, which made Hawks chuckle.
“I haven’t even started yet! You’re so cute~.”
“Shut up, feather brain,” Dabi hissed.
“Ahahalright, alright,” Hawks positioned his wiggling fingers over the villain’s belly,
“By the way, the safe word is ‘tickle’.”
Dabi shrieked and bucked as Hawks immediately went for his death spot. Was he trying to kill him? The bed bounced and shook with his incessant struggling. Hawks laughed, meticulously skittering his fingers along the outer rim of the villain’s belly button, sometimes dipping in to lightly scratch at the skin. What really made Dabi go crazy, however, was when Hawks positioned his fingers on the outer edges of his belly button and squeezed. There wasn’t a lot of healthy skin to work with on his torso but, luckily, he never seemed to get used to the sensations.
“Awww, lookit you! You’re such a ticklish wittle baby, aren’t you~?” Hawks teased, smirking when Dabi’s laughter went up an octave from hearing the T word.
Dabi growled through his laughter, frantically tugging on his binds,
“I’m not stopping until I hear the safe word. Which is ‘tickle’, did I mention that already? Tickle tickle tickle~!”
“GOHOHOHOD DAHAHAHAHAMMIT, SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!!” Dabi whined and stuck his face in his arm, desperately trying to hide his flushed cheeks and giant smile.
All he had on his mind was revenge. How dare Hawks make the safe word a word he couldn’t even say? He had no choice - if he wanted it to stop, he had to say it. He wasn’t necessarily flustered by it, it just wasn’t a word he felt comfortable saying. Whenever he would say it, it felt like acid on his tongue, and he would feel like he committed some kind of sin. When he heard it in the context of teasing, however, he was absolutely flustered by it. His face erupted in red, his laughter got louder and more hysterical, his squirming doubled in intensity. He couldn’t bear to hear the word while being tickled, let alone say it. He figured he was doomed to be tickle tortured like this forever at this rate.
Suddenly, there was a small reprieve, and Dabi gasped for air. He looked up at Hawks while catching his breath. The winged hero smiled down at him, shimmying down his boyfriend’s legs and repositioning himself a bit.
“You seem like you’re having fun~,” he grinned.
Dabi scoffed, 
“What gives you that idea?”
“Well,” Hawks ran his hands up Dabi’s torso, making him shiver at first, then he relaxed into his boyfriend’s warm touch,
“You haven’t bothered to say the safe word at all. And I’m tickling your worst spot. Are you actually enjoying being at my mercy while I tickle you to pieces~?”
The villain shivered, narrowing his eyes at the cocky bastard he called his partner,
“You know I can’t say it, that’s not fair.”
“And when, my dear Touya, have you ever played fair, hm~?”
Dabi swallowed at the mention of his real name. He huffed and averted his gaze once more, not dignifying Hawks with a response. Another moment of peace passed before there was a sudden intake of breath, and Dabi’s entire tummy erupted in ticklish vibrations.
“GAAAHAHAHAHAA, HAHAHAHAWKS!!” he arched his back, effectively pushing his belly deeper into the raspberries,
“Wohohow, you’re weak to raspberries!” Hawks laughed, squeezing along Dabi’s sides,
“I wouldn’t have guessed~!”
He took another deep breath and blew an even bigger raspberry directly on his boyfriend’s belly button, causing him to throw his head back in shrieking hysteria.
Dabi couldn’t even form full words, he was in such ticklish agony. He thrashed and writhed helplessly, wanting nothing more than to turn these damn ropes to ash.
“You know how to stop this~,” Hawks purred, readying yet another raspberry.
It took about another ten minutes of tickle torture before Dabi could finally muster up the courage to say it. He couldn’t believe how the sensations never died down, he was always just as ticklish as when the sessions began. It was absolute agony, the way his nerves were shocked with such intensity every time Hawks so much as squeezed his tummy. There were days he wished he wasn’t so ticklish.
And like that, it all stopped. Dabi coughed and groaned, letting his head fall against the soft pillow beneath him as he regained composure. He heard Hawks chuckle, and he watched him as he started untying the ropes.
“What’s… so funny?” he panted.
Hawks shot his boyfriend a genuine, beaming smile, and Dabi’s heart skipped a beat,
“Hearing your laugh is so therapeutic. I can’t get enough of it. You’re adorable, and I love seeing you smile.”
Dabi didn’t reply. He lay on the bed, patiently waiting for Hawks to finish untying him.
Maybe being this ticklish wasn’t so bad.
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otomiyaa · 4 months
Survival of the Ticklish
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[Fic Reupload] - Old fic from 2017 (!!!) requested by @buggertkle ❤️ Thank you for remembering this one! ^^ Retrieved thanks to @wertzunge as always, you're the best.
It was based on a random BNHA-Facebook chat edit thingie I made back then, but I think that one is lost forever.
Summary: All Might has come with the craziest class activity ever, and thanks to a random Facebook survey it’s one with Deku in the center of it: Labeled most ticklish person in class and ready to get wrecked! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.6K
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Deku entered the class on shaking legs. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but he could literally feel the eyes on him the moment he made his appearance.
“Hey hey! Deku-kun! Morning!” Deku flinched when Uraraka happily patted his shoulder, and he nodded awkwardly.
“M-Morning...” he said with a stiff smile, and just as Uraraka cocked her head in confusion, Deku noticed Bakugou who stepped into the room with the same terrifying vibe around him as always. His glaring eyes were piercing right through him, and he was walking his way.
“Ka-Kaha-Kacchan, p-please-” Deku wasn’t sure why he thought Bakugou was about to do something else since all that happened was that he got roughly pushed to the side as Bakugou snapped angrily: “Out of the way Deku!” 
Deku stumbled against Kirishima’s table and jumped when the table’s owner poked him in the side.
“Yo. You alright bro?” Deku made panicky noises, nodded frantically and jumped into his own seat as he continued nodding.
“Totally fine!” Phew. Seems as if everyone had forgotten about it. How. How could he have been so lucky.
Yesterday, All Might had to share this random thing on Facebook. He was asking Class 1-A who was most ticklish in this class?
He had no idea why everyone - or well, most - felt the need to vote his name. Deku sighed. Yes he had been born unbearably ticklish and he didn’t actually mind since he enjoyed a good laugh. But it was embarrassing and frightening now that it was all over Facebook and everyone probably saw it. 
“Good morning class!” All Might finally made his entrance, and Deku froze right on the spot.
Right… Why did he ask for such unnecessary information again? 
“Plus Ultra!” All Might made a pose in front of the blackboard that was just as unnecessary as asking everyone on Facebook who was the most ticklish person in class.
He then grinned and blinded everyone with his charming smile. “For today’s class I asked you guys something on Facebook yesterday,” All Might started, and Deku felt his stomach flip in shock.
Shit. It was with a purpose after all. He already started to shrink in his chair before All Might even finished his story.
“Who...” All Might wiggled his eyebrows and then pointed at Deku “…is the most ticklish? Most of you voted for young Midoriya.”
This was unbelievable. All heads turned and Deku never wanted to sink in the floor this fast. 
“Because I don’t want to use violence, I am using this strategy. Midoriya, stand here boy!”
Deku felt how his shaking legs took him to the front of the class where All Might was standing, and he trembled when his teacher grabbed both his shoulders and turned him back around to face the class. 
“Today we’re gonna use whatever is needed once you guys are active heroes in the working field,” All Might announced, and Deku spasmed a little when All Might’s big hands squeezed his shoulders with fingers ticklishly digging near his collarbones.
“Teamwork, strategy, strength-” with each word All Might added another squeeze, and Deku was fighting his giggles already. Owww this wasn’t looking good.
“Us all? Against Deku!?” Bakugou asked, expressing probably everyone’s confusion, and Deku wanted to cry so hard when All Might - consciously or unconsciously - tickled him again.
“That’s right. This guy’s your little villain. I’m gonna whisper a codeword in his ear, and you guys are gonna get it out of him. No violence, but you are allowed to use tickling,” All Might said, and Deku yelped when he pierced a thick finger in his side and wiggled it playfully.
“…As you can see this guy’s indeed quite ticklish,” All Might laughed, and Deku snorted helplessly.
“Fifteen minutes is all you’re gonna get. You guys get the codeword, you win. If you don’t, it’ll be the ticklish villain’s win. The prize you’re going after is worth a million.”
The class lost their minds.
“What! A million!” 
“That can’t be!” 
“But it’s so easy!?” 
Deku continued to giggle softly as All Might bent down and tickled his ear with whispers no one else could hear:
“Codeword’s ‘United States of Smash’. Now go!” He patted Deku’s butt who immediately knew he had to run, and he sprinted out of the class.
“The schoolground’s your battlefield, now catch him first! Get me that codeword!”
Deku panicked when he heard his classmates fanatic roars as he dashed through the school building. A first-year hero-stampede came after him, and Deku screeched when Iida used his Quirk to immediately catch up with him.
“No! Nonono aaaahh!”
Deku was about to tumble down the stairs he was running down from when Iida grabbed his collar and shoved him into the nearest wall. 
“Tell me, Midoriya. Tell me the cooode,” Iida said with teasy wiggling fingers at him, and Deku cringed and tried to wiggle away.
“Nooo!” he gasped, but before Iida could even touch him, he was launched into air back towards the top of the stairs, and Uraraka came into view.
“Deku-kun! Come here boy!” She jabbed his sides a few times and Deku squealed as he was pulled back into her grip.
“U-Urahahaka please nohaha!”
Before the tickles could escalate he heard Uraraka let out a soft cry and the gentle fingers were replaced by one…two…three…four pairs of hands?!
“Give here! I had him first!” 
“No I was first! Get the fuck away!”
Deku gasped as he was being pulled apart from all sides. Denki was pulling one arm, Sero was holding the other arm, Kirishima and Aoyama were each holding a leg, nearly spreading him wide apart as they all fought over him. 
“You guys are all such idiots! Here, hold him still!” Deku froze and looked up to see Bakugou walking towards him with a devilish smile on his face.
He immediately felt the adrenaline rush through his veins as he made desperate and pathetic attempts to escape.
“No! Nohoho let me go! Let me goaaAAAahh! Naahahah!”
Deku was soon laughing for his dear life as Bakugou tickled his sides and ribs so roughly that it almost hurt.
“Now be nice Deku and tell me that friggin’ code or I’ll blast your head off and tickle you to fucking death!”
Bakugou’s threat was useless since Deku found no chance to talk. Not that he was planning to give up already, but Bakugou was now tickling him with enthusiasm usually reserved for combat only, and his other classmates were being hyperactive and fighting each other to join in getting at least a body part to tickle.
“GYaahhahaha!” Tears were pricking in his eyes already and he wheezed tiredly, but with his four classmates holding him up - spread wide - and Bakugou awakening his ticklish childhood memories while more tickly fingers decided to join in…. it was all a bit much.
“Say the cooode Midoriya,” said a sneaky voice from under him, and Deku realized then that Mineta had crawled underneath him and attacked his sides and back with wiggling and scratching fingers.
“EEehhee!” Deku arched his back and tried to bite his lip to prevent more noises to come out. A truly failed attempt.
Bakugou clearly grew very irritated when Mineta’s fingers clashed with his own as they fought over territory to tickle, and Bakugou then literally exploded with a “Leave me the fuck alone!” and Deku was sent flying.
Blown away by the power of Bakugou’s Quirk, Deku got on wobbly legs and tried to make it for a run, and he yelped when he ran into something but saw… nothing?
“Gotcha! Tiiickle tickle tickle!” he heard a voice chant as fingers pinched at his sides and poked at his tummy, and Deku wriggled himself free as he giggled helplessly and he backed away.
“I-Invisible Girl!? You’re naked?!” Backing away wasn’t a good thing to do because he bumped into someone behind him and one pair… two pairs!? - of arms tightly wrapped around him. Shoji.
“AAahahah!” Deku was absolutely hysterical and as if it wasn’t hysterical enough to hear all other Class 1-A peeps roaring and yelling at each other as they fought for the spotlights as tickle monsters, he was now under attack by probably the scariest tickler of his nightmares. 
“Give it up Midoriya Izuku. Tell me the codeword,” Shoji commanded, but before his killer arms could go any further in completely wrecking Deku, he was pulled out of his grip by his ankle.
It was a very long tongue that carried him into the air and tugged him out of Shoji’s reach before an enthusiastic frog-girl jumped on top of him and chose an interesting yet killer spot to tickle: His neck.
“Hehehe it will be me to hear that codeword first won’t it Midoriya?” Tsuyu teased, and Deku scrunched up his shoulders and shook his head heavily.
“Neehehehe dooon’t!” he giggled, and his eyes widened when Tsuyu used her tongue to pin his arm above his head while she tickled his armpit with one hand and his neck with the other.
“GAAHaha!” Deku bucked and screamed for his dear life, but again the torture barely lasted before Tsuyu was blown away by Bakugou-monster who had caught up, along with Iida and Uraraka, Deku’s very own buddies who accepted the battle.
While Deku dashed away with super-speed, he heard the others fight each other, and he smirked.
They were so failing at teamwo- “WAhh!” he ran straight into someone who had not mingled with the 1-A crowd, and he gasped when said person pulled him into an empty classroom.
“T-Todoroki-kumphffffh!” Todoroki covered his mouth with one hand as he pinned him against him from behind, and Deku struggled and panicked when ice began to circle around his body. A cold feeling surrounded his legs and eventually left him immobile.
He remained unfrozen from his waist up until his head, and Todoroki who stood behind him chuckled in his ear and said in a low voice:
“Now tell me that codeword or I may have to use force.” Well, this guy was into his… role?
Deku felt the urge to grin but he chose a defiant look instead and growled: “Do your worst!” Maybe he shouldn’t have, just maybe. If he even cared about his poor sensitive body at all.
Todoroki crept five cold fingers first over his shirt, then under his shirt and wiggled them around Deku’s bare stomach, making tingles overpower him and laughter bubble up his throat.
“Ahhfffff – mphphhhh!” Todoroki kept one hand tightly over his mouth and probably just made very sure no one else would disturb him and his precious moment with the villain.
“Nod at me if you’re ready to spill the code, and I will stop.”
Deku squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head instead of nodding as he tried to suck in his stomach, but Todoroki’s cold fingers were now squeezing his tummy fat in a way that made him want to break out of his ice. One For All wasn’t even cooperating.
The tickles were taking such control of every muscle and nerve, and with the ice trapping him and Todoroki’s hand muffling his noises this only made him more helpless and more sensitive. How much longer did he need to hold out!?
“Five more minutes. Five more minutes Class 1-A!” All Might’s voice roared through the speakers as if he was reading his mind, followed by Present Mic who announced excitedly: 
“Someone getting tickled to death today!? It’s all happening in Class 1-A!” 
Except Class 1-A was running around wildly. Deku could especially hear Bakugou’s angry cries of protest, but here he was stuck in an abandoned classroom with Todoroki choosing to torture him in private.
Errr… Deku’s arms were suddenly raised and more ice appeared on his body, trapping his arms above his head and leaving his torso open and vulnerable.
“Tell me!” Todoroki seemed to grow impatient and now removed his hand from his mouth and tickled both his armpits and ribs until Deku screamed.
“EEehehe! Staahahahaap!”
Triggered by the sound of his laughter, the others came barging into the classroom with so much force that the door collapsed and tables and chairs were sent flying as they all rushed through the classroom.
“Woah!” Iida seemed to have lost control over the ‘brakes’ and he ran straight into Todoroki, knocking him down while the others gathered around a stuck and panicking Deku.
“Todoroki-kuhuhun hehehelp!” He wasn’t sure why he was calling for his previous attacker, but the ice was still there and now multiple classmates were tickling him. 
“Time is uuuup!”
That was All Might’s voice. Why weren’t they stopping!? 
“Give me the code!” Mineta used his tiny body to climb over him and tickled his waist and sides mercilessly. Bakugou was replacing Todoroki’s earlier assault with armpit tickles that made Deku wanna die.
Uraraka was floating somewhere and tickling his neck, and he had no idea who those people were that were going after his knees that stuck out above the ice.
“STaahahahap!” he cried, but they weren’t stopping.
“TIME IS UP!” This time it was Present Mic again, and they did hear this voice, so they stopped and looked up in confusion.
“Already?” Everyone mumbled and whispered softly while they caught their breaths, Deku in particular, and they watched how All Might entered the classroom with a smile that didn’t even look a little bit genuine. He looked at his watch and then tsk-tsk’ed at the Class 1-A students that were gathered in the classroom Todoroki had kidnapped Deku into.
“You guys fail. Young Todoroki,” he only had to say his name and Todoroki made the ice melt, releasing Deku who coughed and caught his breath while his body suffered from after tingles.
“Teamwork. Strategy. Strength. You lacked all of them,” All Might said strictly to everyone while he walked over to a shakey Deku and grabbed his arm for support. 
“Fifteen minutes just wasn’t enough time!” Bakugou yelled angrily. “I didn’t even touch him!” Momo protested. 
“And that’s where you all went wrong! What did those guys waste most of their time on?” All Might directed this question at Deku who blushed, feeling shy and a bit scared to feel all those eyes on him again.
“They fought o-over who could t…tickle…me,” he muttered with a red face.
“Right. Are you guys deaf? Are you?” All Might asked and he was still smiling, making this situation more hilarious than it was probably intended. Several heads were shaking ‘no’.
“I didn’t say a single person could win. I said you as a group could win. Young Todoroki, your strategy of restraint was good but you failed when you took the villain into a separate room. Never go off on your own. Young Bakugou, you can hand me a paper next week about the definition of teamwork.”
“Why only me!?!?” All Might ignored Bakugou and then turned to all the others.
“And everyone of you, forget about thinking just of yourself and start thinking as a group. If you would’ve all been up against a real villain, that villain wouldn’t even need to destroy you. You do.” Bam.
Deku never knew All Might had such serious intentions with this… giggly exercise.
“Ufufu,” he giggled sheepishly when All Might poked his side.
“And young Midoriya here wins the prize worth a million...” he said, and the others held their breaths and Deku’s heart thumped in excitement.
“A selfie with me!”
All Might took out his phone and made a peace sign while Deku stood there with the same stiff smile, silently wondering what the hell was going on as the picture was made. 
All Might really was something else, but hey, even though his silly classmates had wasted most of their time, Deku was still proud he managed to deal with a bunch of tickle monsters at once, without even thinking of giving up the codeword.
He had to modestly agree with All Might, he was indeed today’s winner!
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Hey, I saw your fic requests open and I wanted to know if you could do Lee!dabi and Ler!tomo (I'm pretty sure that's the name of your oc if I remember correctly)? I love his quirk and it'd be interesting to see how you think dabi would react to it! ^^
-------------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }--------------
My Hero Academia: Join the Dark Side, Yo
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Oh my GOODNESS! It's been a little while since I've written something this long! I just love writing dialogue with my Tomo baby. He's such a sassy little shit XD I'd think Canon Dabi would just power through the tickles and incinerate Tomo, then find his family, burn them too, and probably steal his dog XD Buuuut, let's just pretend the tiggles are too strong! Thank you so much for the ask! Love you, thank you for your patience!
Summary: Dabi tries to convince Tomo to join the LOV.
Lee!Dabi, Ler!Tomo
Tw: Swearing, flirting
--------------------☆ ☆------------------------
Money, money, money! Today had been a successful hunt. Tomo had snatched several wallets from unsuspecting rich folk and even a snazzy Gucci watch that would fetch a nice handful at the cash pawn shop.
"Hmm... Udon set from the seven-eleven down the road? Ooor, maybe something from the night market?" He asked himself as he counted his wad of stolen cash. "Nice, I can afford both!"
"Abe Tomohiro."
"Huh?" The boy paused, hearing someone call his name from down an alleyway. "Yello?" He called back, stuffing the money into his pocket as he narrowed his eyes, trying to see who was talking to him in the dark.
Once his eyes focused, he saw a man staring at him with a grin across his scarred face. Dabi.
"Hey, kid. Come on down, I wanna have a talk." Dabi called, gesturing with a wave. He was on the lookout for villains to recruit into the League.
Tomo gulped, looking around for other civilians before taking a step closer, smiling. "My mum told me not to follow sexy men into dark alleyways."
"Hah, your mums a clever woman."
"That she is. Unfortunately, that intelligence didn't get passed down to me." Tomo smirked, walking towards Dabi casually. He knew that being defensive was usually worse in these situations.
Now face to face, Tomo looked up at the shadowy man who loomed over him.
"So, what can I do for you, sexy man in the alleyway? I'm afraid I'm not looking for company tonight if that's what you're offering." He smirked.
Dabi just smirked in return. He seemed to be in a good mood tonight. Otherwise, Tomos sass would find him dead. Dabi cocked his head to the side, looking down at the boy.
"I've heard a lot about you, Abe."
"Tomo is fine. No need for formalities." Tomo smirked as Dabi gave a nod of understanding.
"Tomo. I'm aware of what you get up to. You seem to have a real talent for it. And, you and the Pro hero, Hawks, are on good terms? Right?" He asked, raising a brow as he watched Tomo narrow his eyes.
"How'd you know that?"
"Doesn't matter. What I'm getting at is how useful you could be. I'm looking for people to join our little cause. You clearly understand that society is unbalanced. The way you only steal from those pompous rich bastards is evidence enough."
Tomo folded his arms, biting his lip as he listened. He knew where this was going, and he wasn't sure if he was keen on the idea. "Mhmm... What of it?"
"I think you'd be a handy addition to our group. Hawks, let's you commit crime. He knows you're stealing, and yet, he lets you walk free. That might come in handy for some dirtier jobs that come up." Dabi smirked, leaning close to Tomo, watching his eyes carefully.
"I reckon we see eye to eye on some level... I want what Stain is after. The fall of false heroes and-"
"Pffft-" Tomo cut him off, blowing a raspberry as he gave him a thumbs down. "Stain? Nuh-uh. No thanks, pal. I'm not out here to put anyone in the dirt."
Dabis friendly front immediately faded. Replaced with a blood-lust glare. "No?"
"Nah, I'm too pretty to be digging around in dirt like that. You're hot, but not pretty, so it's fine for you."
"I don't dig graves." Dabi growled, leaning closer, pinning Tomo between him and the wall with his arm.
"You don't? You mean... That smell is just you?"
"Moron. I don't dig graves because there's never anything left to bury!" The flame weirder ignited a warping blue flame in his palm, holding it close to Tomos face, slightly charring the tips of his hair.
Tomo scrunched his eyes shut, leaning away from the heat as he chuckled nervously.
"Ooho, damn. Yeah, that's hot." Tomo smirked, reaching a hand to pat Dabis chest. "Look, I appreciate the offer, I really do. But I'm just not built for the whole super-villain business, Mr- Uh, what was your name?"
"Mr. Dabi. So-" Tomo ducked under Dabis arm, slowly starting to shimmy towards the main road again. "It's been nice, cool meeting a real villain and all, but I gotta go."
"Pitty." Dabi sneered, raising his hand, aiming a fireball at Tomo. "Shigaraki suggested you by name too. He held you in high regard, but I see you- GYAH!?" Dabi arched his back suddenly, yelping as his fire was diminished.
"Sorry bout that, I just hate long ass monologues." Tomo shrugged as he shook his head.
Dabi wasn't sure what just happened, but he was pissed!
"If you value your life, you won't do that again!" Dabi growled, clenching his fists angrily. His pride was already a little damaged due to the noise he made. Tomo chuckled, amused by Dabis reaction.
"Oh? Why?" Tomo asked, stepping a little closer, tilting his head.
"Does it tickle?"
Dabi felt a strange sensation in his chest. What was this feeling? He felt warm. Though not like any heat he had experienced before. This was different. Was he... Flustered?
"Little shit!" He was pissed. He tossed a fireball at Tomo. It was missed by inches as his aim was thrown off by a tickly sensation on his stomach that made him double over, clutching his stomach as he bit back a laugh.
"Oh, you are ticklish then! Never would have guessed~" Tomo teased, hopping up onto a dumpster and making himself comfortable as he watched Dabi consider his options. Which were limited at this time.
"Just get out of here, kid." The dark-haired villain hissed, keeping his eyes fixed on the concrete.
"Hm? And miss out on seeing a sexy villain like you laughing and begging for mercy under my hand? No can do, Mr. Dabi~" He raised his hands, starting to pinch the air. Each pinch made Dabi flinch and snicker.
"Gh-! I-I sweAh-! I swear, if you dOHON'T stop! I'll fihind y-you ahand- FUCK!" The constant random squeezing sensation moved up and down Dabis ribs, making it hard for him to string a sentence.
"You'll find me and what, sir? How forward of you, hehe~!" Tomo smiled, crossing his legs as he looked down at the squirming villain. "You're kinda cute when you laugh. Ya know?"
The light squeezing turned into more vigorous tickling, targeting the villains stomach now.
"Stahap! Y-You little shihiiiit! AHA! GR-! NOHO!" He rolled onto his side, clutching his stomach as a few small, harmless flames spurted from his palms. "Rrrh! NnnAHA!" His eyes scrunched shut, his knees pulled up into his chest as he tried to hide his expression from view.
"Nawww, look at that smile! You know, I love when big scary men like you are ticklish. It's very humbling and adorable. Kichy, kitchy kooo~" Tomo laughed with him, making squeezing gestures in the air that stuck to Dabis inner thighs, making him kick and flail helplessly.
"STAHAP! F-Fuhuhuck it! I-I'll bury yOHOHOUUU! AaaaAHA!"
"I thought you said you don't dig graves? Now you're lying to me? Ugh... It's always the pretty ones that are the liars." The tickling kicked up a notch as Dabis underarms were attacked.
"Kichy, koo~ Little squirmy wormy villy willain! So eeevil! Yes, I'm petrified right now, can you tell? Oh sho shcawy!"
"GOhod damn it! GyahahaAAAHAHA! NO! Noho! NAHAHAAaaa-!... *gasp* StyAHAP! STAHAHAAAAP!"
Dabi clamped his arms to his sides, throwing his head back in hysterics. He felt so vulnerable, something he hadn't felt in years now. And this sensation of tickling. Never before had he felt such a thing, it was so intense! It was... Pleasant? No! Of course not! He'd never think such a thing!
A sort passed his lips as he leaned up against the wall, just managing to prop himself upright as he laughed himself silly.
"HAHA! OHO SHIHIIIT! Dahahamn it! F-Fuhucking stahahap! EH!?" He gasped, looking up and realising the boy was long gone.
"HEY! Where'd you gohOH!? Come BAHAHACK! AHAHAAAaaaa-!... *gasp* GAHAHAD! C-COHOWARD! I'll fIHIIII- AHA!" It was no good. Dabi gave up throwing threats around. He rolled back onto his side, pulling his jacker collar up around his face, trying to keep his crimson red cheeks hidden and his laughter quieter.
Once the tickling finally subsided, Dabi couldn't even bother to be mad anymore. He just lay there for a while, staring up at the stars as he caught his breath. "Damn... Kid... Hah..." He smiled to himself, rubbing his side as a ghost tickle made him jump. Maybe Tomo was right to decline. Someone who tickles people for defence doesn't belong with a group of criminals like them anyway.
"My turn... Next time..."
Thanks for reading! Much love! 😚💕
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